This tiramisu recipe is authentically Italian; no whipped cream in sight and it’s made using raw eggs. The result? A deceptively light dessert that keeps you coming back for more.

Serves 10-12  

I love any dessert that is completely prepped the day before the event, taking all of the stress out of entertaining. It’s also a dessert that gets better with time, 1-2 days in the fridge really allows all of the flavours to come together.  

5 eggs, separated
150g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
750g mascarpone cheese 
1-2 tablespoons cocoa powder
Dark chocolate, 70% to grate
400g (1 packet) savoiardi biscuits
500ml espresso coffee
100ml marsala wine  

To begin, place the egg whites into a clean mixing bowl with 75g of the caster sugar and whisk until firm peaks form and the sugar is mostly dissolved. Careful not to overwhip the egg whites as you will end up with a grainy cream.  

In a separate bowl, combine the yolks with the remaining 75g of caster sugar and whisk until pale and creamy and doubled in volume. Add in the mascarpone cheese and vanilla bean paste and mix until smooth.  

Gently fold half of the egg whites into the mascarpone mixture to lighten before folding through the remaining egg whites. The resulting cream should be light and fluffy and full of air pockets.  

I’ve used a 35x24cm oval roasting dish for this one, but you can use any dish you like in similar dimensions.  

For the soaking liquid, combine the coffee with the marsala wine in a medium bowl. Dip each savoiardi biscuit into the coffee mix and lay into the base of your serving dish. Once you have a complete layer of the soaked biscuits, top with half of the mascarpone cream mixture and smooth out. Liberally grate the dark chocolate over this layer of cream before repeating with another layer of biscuit and finally the remaining cream. 

Refrigerate the tiramisu for 24-48 hours. When you are ready to serve, liberally dust with cocoa powder.