As the top banana at one of Melbourne's leading restaurant architecture firms, there's a very real chance Ana Ćalić McLean has had a tangible effect on your meal.

She’s the director at In Addition, one Melbourne’s most in-demand architecture firms, and her work plays a critical role in the way we feel when we’re out and about – be it queuing for haute croissants or smashing pizzas with the crew. Here’s how she lives Melbourne. 

From a design perspective, when I’m in cafes, restaurants and bars, the things I really care about are being in an environment where I feel comfortable, the lighting is dimmed, the music sets the scene, and the food takes centre stage. The atmosphere is conducive to great conversation and a memorable experience. As a designer, it’s impossible to not focus on every tiny detail; it’s a blessing and a curse.

If Melbourne’s built environment has a look, right now I think it’s defined by… Great question. In my opinion, bright colours and asymmetrical designs are a thing of the past and are being replaced with design that is more sympathetic to human scale and how we experience spaces. There is more focus than ever on creating activated streetscapes enriched by local offerings that are unique to that community and neighbourhood.

The city is ever-changing: old sits with new – contemporary architecture alongside cherished heritage buildings – and this rich fabric, for me, creates pockets of discovery.

As far as I’m concerned, the most beautiful looking room in Melbourne is Apollo Inn. Greeted by the padded leather doors with their fine brass handles, the anticipation begins to build and you know you’re in for a treat. Making your way through the entry corridor you get a glimpse of yourself in the mirrored ceiling and are enticed by what’s beyond the velvet curtains. Once you’ve stepped through, you’re transported into another world, your eyes adjusting to the dim light and taking in the beauty of the bar, the leathered stone table tops and the inviting leather banquettes. Glimpses of graffiti on the laneway windows through the half-height curtain help you find your feet again and you’re reminded of how incredible Melbourne really is.  

And on my Melbourne mood-board, right now, I’m feeling inspired by the new works of ceramicist, Ben Mazey and his recent exhibition, How Will You Know When You’re Dead at C-Gallery. His use of form and shape to create sculptural pieces that are organic, colourful and emotive has the ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and happiness, qualities that I go after in the spaces I design. 

My local is the Mount Erica Hotel. It’s our absolute go-to: the crackling fireplace, Sunday roast, general vibe and buzz. We’ve shared a lot of memories here with friends and it really feels like part of the fabric of the neighbourhood. I also always ask for extra char when ordering the cheese burger – it’s a total game changer.

Morning Market in Prahran is another one of my favourites. I can’t go past their incredibly delicious canelés; the perfect accompaniment to my morning magic.

I know I’m in Melbourne when I step out of my home in winter and the smell of fireplaces burning in the neighbourhood is in the air. I can’t help but take a minute to pause and take a deep breath in.

And on a totally different note, I also know I’m in Melbourne when I go to park my car and I’m have to decipher the five different parking rules on one single sign! It seriously feels like you need a degree to understand them.

My favourite place to stock up on supplies is St Ali in South Melbourne – an eclectic curation of wonderful food items I never knew I needed. It’s here where I first discovered Peye Saya smoked butter and I’ve never looked back. I go here when I feel like being delighted and surprised and it never disappoints.

Also, Cato Fruit and Vegetables in Prahran – a melting pot for all things international. It’s quite literally a maze of discovery, and I find lots of Eastern European treats from my childhood including anything and everything pickled and fermented. The aisles are impossibly narrow, and everything exists in organised chaos. Kras wafers, Dorina chocolate and Plasma biscuits are my go-tos.

The best new thing I’ve found is this incredible Indian burger place, Desinental Burgers opened on High Street. Prahran, and it didn’t take long before I was visiting weekly. The Delhi tikka and smashed samosa burgers were my personal favourites. Safe to say, I genuinely grieved when I found out they were taking a short hiatus. I’m hoping they come back soon because I still haven’t filled the void.

I also recently visited an oldie but a goodie for breakfast, Napier Quarter, and was absolutely delighted by what I ate. The combination of whipped Comté, a soft-boiled egg and Nordic rye bread and a radish was so mouth-wateringly delicious; I savoured every moment and am hanging out to visit again soon.

When I want to really go crazy on a fancy meal, I have to go to Gimlet. For me, it’s truly an all-encompassing experience and a fine example of how the menu, atmosphere and seemless service all work together to create the most memorable dining experiences, all while being comfortable and approachable at the same time.

When I want to show off the city to friends from out of town, I like to start off with an obligatory first stop at the MPavilion to admire the incredible work of Tadao Ando. Walking through the geometric intervention I can’t help but to encourage my friends to touch the smooth concrete walls and take a moment to experience the beauty of the space. Once we’ve had our architecture fix, it’s off to the NGV or ACMI to check out the latest exhibition followed by lunch at Farmer’s Daughters where we get to experience the best of provenance-based cuisine and all things Victorian.

When I want to drink something Victorian, my first choice is a 2022 Blanc de Blanc from Five Vineyard. I first had the privilege of meeting the wonderfully passionate family behind Five Vineyard during the design stages of their winery in Mernda a few years back and have been a fan of the Blanc de Blanc ever since. It really has become our everyday go-to.

There’s no better value in Melbourne than the $15 lunch noodle special at BKK. It’s a dangerously short walk from our studio and incredibly delicious. What’s more is, not only do I get to enjoy an elevated lunch offering, I also get to admire the beautifully designed fitout and abundance of aged brass.  

If I could change one thing about eating and drinking here it would be to bring back the spontaneity of being able to make a last-minute decision and eat a great meal. With the fast-paced nature of day-to-day life, it’s tricky to also be a few steps ahead sometimes and make sure you’ve always booked in advance.

But the one thing I hope never changes in Melbourne is the flatbread with fromage blanc at Marion. The most incredibly moreish bread I’ve ever tried. This bread has been the talk of the table among friends throughout many occasions from Christmas dinners, birthdays and celebrations as well as acting as the ultimate comfort food throughout times of need.